"Fashion fades, only style remains the same." - Coco Chanel

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Everybody loves a scandal!

In today's world all celebrities are followed by the media to the smallest detail, and when they do something wrong, when they screw up, the media has a field day. Lately there have been a lot of scandals in families, and celebrities that have been considered nice and problem-free. Many adulteries have come up, the most famous right now being Tiger Woods and his mistresses. According to the latest figures he had 120 of them - poor Elin. After that princess Madeleines and Jonas's relationship crisis led to a broken engagement and after Jonas cheated. This shows that there are problems even in the finest of families, in the royal family!

But why do people cheat? Sometimes the guilty one isn't the only one to blame! Infidelty is of course one of the biggest deceit there is but also something pretty common, but when the celebrities' problems are written down for the world to see in every magazine there is, for people's entertainment, it has to bee two times as heard to deal with the problems. No wonder many break down. Who would want their private lives spread across the covers of the daily newspaper??? Is the society to blame, embracing scandals and enjoying them? Everybody loves a scandal, as long as it doesn't happen to yourself! I donät know, but sometimes the celebrities should be left alone, to have some peace and quiet!

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